Case Study

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Dipula Income Fund

Location11th and 12th Floor, The Rosebank Firestation

Dipula Income Fund, responsible for overseeing the new Firestation building in Rosebank, sought a comprehensive contractor to undertake the fit-out of their 11th and 12th-floor premises.
Blue Line Design, already engaged in several projects within the same building on the 5th, 7th, and 9th floors, was chosen by Dipula due to their ability to deliver the project timely and efficiently, avoiding any project overruns.

Our team was tasked with designing and constructing the new office spaces while the primary building contractor was finalising work on the 11th and 12th floors. As the project reached a critical phase, Blue Line Design assumed the responsibilities of the Main Build Contractor. This included completing all new ablution facilities on both floors.

In addition to the internal office fit-out, our team also created a striking outdoor recreational deck, offering panoramic views of Johannesburg's skyline.

Despite the added challenges of taking over tasks from the main Building Contractor, we successfully completed the project within the stipulated time frame and budget.

New Build

Project Requirement

Full Turnkey

Solution Delivered

1560 m2

Area Covered

Blue Line Design

Principle Contractor

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+27 (082) 600 86 33




29A Komari street, Paulshof Ext 10,Sandton, 2056